Year 46 since 1977

System Requirements System requirements for viewing are very low but you can still have trouble or wait for a while for certain pages to fully appear.
Most smart phones or pads will display all pages.
The minimum system I found that tested OK and didn't run soooo slow where I felt the need to go out and make a cup of coffee while loading is the following:

1 GHz processor ( with 1 gig of ram )
( minimum set 1024x768. 800x600 will scroll off screen, Best should be wide 1440x900 )
Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 , 8, 10 and now 11 (same as 10 (Invasive Garbage)
36k modem minimum ( Realy? Why are you still using a modem ? What year are you in ?) - DSL, Cable or Fiber are best

Things you should be able to see:

( Some Older search engines may not see all animations )


The background of this page should be twinkling

When moving over objects you should see a hidden text bar appear

A green marquee moving below this text

 < This is a marquee and should be moving left and right >

A thin line changing colors below this text


A sample navigation bar below that changes colors and flashes when your mouse moves over words

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If everything works then I guess you will not miss anything on the following pages. If not, then it's time for an upgrade. Come on, computers are cheap now a-days
Most of the photos on pages are average 2 meg jpg. Videos are AVI, MOV & MP4.
To continue on to the site after this page, please click on the navigation words above. They all go to the MAIN MENU.