Our furry quads Past & Present

Woof !

This page updated 1/1/25

Some pictures of Laurene, Jessica & Ron's little Zoo as of

Cattle Dog
(Red Heeler)
Born Aug 22 2012

Sandy at 2-1/2 months

Obedient and Devoted
The Australian Cattle Dog is also known as the Blue or Red Heeler. They are a tough, hard working dog who can cover immense distances. They are a versatile herding dog and can work with horses, goats and even ducks. Considered a working dog who is fearless and determined.

Sandy at 2-1/2 months

Very Playful
A one-person dog, they are rather aloof with strangers, but to their owner they are eternally loyal, gentle, alert and can easily be trained. They are quite easygoing with people they know, and can get along with children, although they may try to herd them.

Sandy at 2-1/2 months

Sociable and Active
Australian Cattle Dogs are bold and determined. This is an extremely hard working breed. They have constant energy and need to be doing things. The Australian Cattle Dog is loyal and friendly to those it knows, but wary with strangers. They are protective and easygoing.

Yet another goofy girl
Always moving, always playing, then she just drops and falls asleep.

Sandy at 1 year old

Not so Primitive Origins
Developed in Australia around the early 1800s, the Australian Cattle Dog was used to cross great distances in herding cattle. Since records were not well kept it is only with speculation that their ancestry is known.
The breed was "perfected" in 1893, but it wasn't until 1903 that they were known as the the Australian Cattle Dog.

Just a dog?
This puppy fit in with our other dogs in about a day, she has no idea how spoiled she will be.

As of November 2016, she is now the head of the house.

Black Lab

Born June 4 2014


Description of her mix
Our Lab is a cross bred between Boxer and Labrador Retriever. They are thin, but tall dog. They have shiny short and smooth coat that is waterproof. They ears are hanging. Strong jaw in scissors bite, They too are a very masculine type of dog.

Obedient and Devoted
CoCo is extremely intelligent and adapts well to her surroundings with minimal training time. She is a great companion dog, we do not use her to hunt, only as a family companion.

Big Feet

Active but Calm

She is not what I would consider a "hyper" dog, but she is active. She loves to run and romp in our backyard with our Australian Cattle dog "Sandy" and she greatly enjoys being outside. After she has been exercised for the day, she is content to lay by our feet or on top of the other dogs and relax at the end of the day. Not the water rat we thought she would be so far.

CoCo - Sandy - Ozzy     October 2013

Seen here with Sandy & Ozzy

She really enjoys being next to her human family. If we get up to go to a different room, she accompanies us.

Country Of Origin


This breed is loving, loyal to their owner and very affectionate. They could also be a perfect pet dog. They also love to play around and could socialize with the people around them and even with other dogs. They could also be a guard dog and would bark to alarm when suspicious stranger would invade their home.

CoCo was a rescue from

Friends of Freddie Pet Rescue

(COWBOY) Corgi
Born Sept. 22 2021

Our Stella

Description of her mix
Our Corgi Stella is among the most agreeable of all small housedogs, the Welsh Corgi is a strong, athletic, and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable without being needy. They are one the world's most popular herding breeds. At 10 to 12 inches at the shoulder and 27 to 30 pounds, a well-built Welsh Corgi's presents a big dog in a small package. Short but powerful legs, muscular thighs, and a deep chest equip him for a hard day's work. Built long and low.

Very Playful
 Welsh Corgi's are surprisingly quick and agile. They can be red, sable, fawn, and black and tan, with or without white markings. This Corgi is a bright, sensitive dog who enjoys play with his human family and responds well to training.

Obedient and Devoted
As herders bred to move cattle, they are fearless and independent. They are vigilant watchdogs, with acute senses and a Big dog bark. Families who can meet their bold but kindly Welsh Corgi's need for activity and togetherness will never have a more loyal, loving dog.

Our New Addition as of 12/13/21 - STELLA

Country Of Origin


Stella is a Cowboy (Black and White in color) Corgi mix with a little Cattle Dog which gives her the spots on her legs and feet.


Lets see how she reacts with Sandy.....

Jess has been waiting years for this puppy and thanks to her grandfather and family, She was Picked up in Pennsylvania on 12/13/21 to join our household.

American Eskimo
Born May 2001 to Nov 26 2016
(Complications associated with
Liver / Kidney Cancer)
Our Special Boy - Very missed



Obedient and Devoted
The American Eskimo is a charming, affectionate and loving dog. Hardy and playful, they are excellent with children. Highly intelligent and willing to please. Alert and easy to train, the American Eskimo often ranks among the top scorers in obedience trials. Some individuals have a willful streak, but most like to work. They are naturally wary of strangers, but once introduced, they become instant friends. Some have been known to not let a stranger enter the home until the owner says it is okay. Eskimos need to be part of the family and engage in nuisance activities when isolated. This breed needs attention and loves to bark.

Ozzy just being cute

Playful but easily bored
American Eskimo Dogs are among the most intelligent of the dog breeds. They have problem solving capabilities, are very independent thinkers, and are easily bored. Eskies are generally very cheerful, hardy, rowdy, playful, nosey, affectionate, and don't recognize the fact that they are small dogs. They crave attention and must be made members of the family or they can become problematic. They are mischievous tricksters, and many owners describe them as having a sense of humor. Most Eskies are very friendly and outgoing with family members and people they know, but tend to be reserved and suspicious around strangers. Eskies are also very vocal; many owners claim that their Eskies try to "talk" to them. The breed is a very good and devoted watchdog, and is commonly used as such, but it can become a problem barker if left alone for too long. Eskies take their watchdog duties very seriously.

" I was just sleeping" !

Sociable and Active
Most of them are also avid chewers and need a constant supply of chew toys. Most Eskies are excellent with children, other dogs, and cats as long as the Eskie is exposed to them at a young age. Eskies are somewhat predatory, though, so they need to be watched closely around rodents, birds, and other small pets. Eskies tend to be energetic, and young dogs should be kept busy or they can become mischievous and destructive. Older Eskies are usually more sedate and become more affectionate with age, preferring to be petted or cuddled over running around. Many American Eskimo Dog owners keep more than one dog so they can keep each other entertained, though lone Eskies do very well in busy households.

Acts like a typical boy
Eskies do shed a lot, and they require frequent brushing to prevent matting (especially behind the ears) and to cut down on the shedding. The Eskie is amazingly easy to keep clean despite being a white dog. Eskie fur contains an oil that prevents dirt from adhering to it. When an Eskie gets dirty, usually the dirt brushes right out of the fur as long as the fur is dry. Unless they are very dirty, Eskies rarely have a dog smell. Eskies love cold climates, though they do well in just about any climate. One of the joys of American Eskimo Dog ownership is watching an Eskie play in the snow. Most Eskies LOVE snow and will play in it for hours if allowed. Many of them also like to play in water.

Watching TV

Primitive Origins
The American Eskimo Dog nicknamed Eskie, belongs to the Spitz group, one of the most ancient of dog breeds. In 500BC depicted on Greek vases were drawings of the Spitz. In Eurasian times (800-100BC) documentation was found on the Spitz breed. They are descendants of the White German Spitz dogs. This breed lived in the late stone age.

Just a dog?
Not just another dog, but a big white fluffy bundle of fun. Our dog Ozzy followed Roxy's lead knowing she was older and the boss of the pack, now it's his turn to be the top dog. He knows how to take advantage of his surroundings.

Laurene and Ron's first pet together.

Ozzy knew all of our dogs.
Our boy was always happy !

Shiba Inu
Nov 1994 to Feb 2009
(Old Age)
She is missed

Roxy Doodle

Roxy Doodle

Fearful but Courageous
Young Shiba Inus are fearful of many things. Trains, planes, traffic, shopping malls, etc. The pups are highly uncivilized and need a lot of exposure to things before they will feel comfortable. But beware! Once they feel comfortable, they can become arrogant. They have big egos. It takes a while to gain the trust of a Shiba Inu, but once bonded, they become very attached. If not socialized a lot, they can become protective as well, eagerly confronting perceived threats to their leader. In this respect they show no fear. The size or ferocity of the "enemy" doesn't matter to them at all.

The Doodle-Bug

Disobedient but Devoted
Shiba Inus resist captivity and any form of restraint, such as wearing a collar. It takes a lot of work and patience to get them to walk properly on a leash. And if they ever slip the leash, they may disappear. But most return by themselves (after they have had their fun). They have an amazing sense of direction. Trouble is, they don't look both ways before crossing streets and so could get killed in traffic. If you command them to "Come", they stare at you inquisitively, as if to ask "What for?" If you answer "treats" or "play" or "walk", they'll probably come running. If you don't answer, they probably won't come. Though fiercely independent, they are nonetheless faithful to their leader. They are sort of one family dogs. They don't become destructive when separated from the family, but they get very, very sad. Most people wouldn't have the heart to board their Shiba Inu when they go away on vacation. It's better to find another family member to look after the dog.

Active but Calm
Shibas love activity and would like nothing better than to play 24 hours a day. They are notorious attention seekers. But they also like chewing a bone and taking naps, especially if they can snuggle up close to someone they like. But they wake up quickly if there is any activity going on in the house. Start doing a household chore and they appear out of nowhere. Open the fridge door and they're there. They appear everywhere---like little fairy sprites.

Typical night at home

Seen here with OZZY

Sociable but Aloof
A Shiba Inu could never be happy living in a doghouse. They want to be with the family at all times. They are very inquisitive, interactive, in-your-face dogs. At the same time, they may not give a warm reception to every guest that comes into your home. When some people come over, they won't even go into the same room. On the other hand, they may adore other guests, especially if the guests are willing to play with them, and play the games that they like.

Extra Sensory Perception
A Shiba Inu can read emotions remarkably well. You can't fool a Shiba Inu with a phony smile. If you are harboring any resentment, they will know it. If you intend to trim their nails, they will know that, too. Even if you just think about trimming nails, they will know.

Roxy Doodle hanging out

Primitive Origins
Images of deer, wild boar, and other prey are buried deep within the recesses of a Shiba Inu's mind. There are more Shibas in Japan than any other breed. Around 7000 BC the ancestors of today's Shiba may have accompanied the earliest immigrants to Japan. These primitive tendencies become apparent at Christmas time. A Shiba Inu may attack any lawn ornament that depicts reindeer or antlers.

Just a dog?
A Shiba Inu is not just a dog. It is a unique animal. The Japanese people recognized the special qualities of the breed and declared it a National Treasure. Great contentment comes with owning a Shiba Inu.

Our dog Roxy was the alpha dog of the household and she expects to be pampered and respected as such. She is greatly missed.

Aug 2009 to Oct 2013
(Complications associated with
Herniated Disc operation)
She is missed


Obedient (at times) and Devoted
The stern expression of the Pug belies its true sense of fun. Pugs are sociable dogs, and usually stubborn about certain things, but they are playful, charming, clever and are known to succeed in dog obedience skills.

A Pug's character is unique in that he is a clown at heart with a terrific sense of humor but at the same time he carries himself with great dignity. They are not too delicate for fun and games. A pug is anxious to please, anxious to learn and anxious to love. His biggest requirement is that you love him back.

Sociable and Active
Pugs are often referred to as the comedians of the dog world. Pugs are sensitive to the tone of a human voice, so harsh punishment is generally unnecessary. While Pugs usually get along well with other dogs and pets, they generally prefer the company of humans and require a great deal of human attention; they may become slightly anxious or agitated if their owner ignores them or does not play with them.

Acts like a goofy girl
Always at their owner's feet, in their lap, or following them from room to room.

Primitive Origins
The Pug is of Chinese origin and dates back to the pre-Christian era. They were prized possessions of the Emperors of China and lived in a most luxurious atmosphere and at times were even guarded by soldiers. Records show that three types of short nosed dogs were bred by the Chinese. They were the Lion dog, the Pekingese and the Lo-sze. The Lo-sze or "Foo Dog" was the ancient Pug. The Dutch traders brought the Pugs from the east to Holland and to England. The more refined Pug that we know today must be credited to the English. This happy little dog was enjoyed by many Monarchs of Europe and to this day is a favorite with royalty and discerning people all over the world.

Just a dog?
The Pug is enjoying a rather steady rate of growth in popularity at the present time. Twinky is not so popular as to be common nor so unknown as to be rare, but she was all ours.

Too Soon - She is greatly missed.

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